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Smoky Mountains

Hiking Club

Wednesday Hike: Curry Mountain Trail & Meigs Mountain Trail to CS20

  • 01/01/2025
  • 8:30 AM
  • Metcalf Bottoms picnic area, GSMNP


  • For member hike registrations
  • For non-member hike registrations

Registration is closed

This pleasant out-and-back hike starts on an old logging road up the side of Curry He Mountain and continues on Curry She Mountain (both about 3,000 ft. high) to Meigs Mountain Trail (mile 3.3). We head east, through open woods, with a half-dozen easy creek crossings, to Campsite #20 (mile 5.5), where we'll have lunch. Return the same way. Totals: 11 miles and ~1,500 ft. climb. Rated Moderate. For carpooling, meet at Kroger, 244 S. Hall Rd., Alcoa (park at the side of the building near its SE corner), in time to leave at 7:30 am. Drive 54 miles RT [@ 7ยข / mile = $3.78]. Meet at Metcalf Bottoms picnic parking (southeast end) ready to hike at 8:30 am. Register by 6pm Dec. 31st.

Leader: Eric Sundstrom

Leader contact information is included under Additional Information in the email you receive after registration.

For information about the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, visit the NPS website or call the information line at (865) 436-1200.

Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

PO Box 51592

Knoxville, TN 37950-1592

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